Thursday, October 16, 2008

Experiences are things which we treasured most. Some of them are happy and some are not. Every moment of our lives are so special so we should keep those moments forever in our hearts. Every action counts so in order not to waste it, we should keep it while we’re still alive. As the saying goes “a journey to a thousand miles begins with a single step.’
Most of us thought that catechism is a simple experience but for me it is a great chance and a mission which I am challenged to fulfill. Serving other with love from heart is important. Having the presence of charity in our minds endures all the tired feelings. The most unique experience in catechism that I have experience is when I feel that I am flexible in terms of the different emotions of my students.
My experience in teaching those naughty children and comforting those who are sad was unique for me. It’s unforgettable because it feels great after comforting the sad, helping those in need and making them smile. I will never let it replace in my heart. So, that’s why I’ll treasure it.